Tuesday 27th April 2021 - 4:31am UK Time
With a Full Moon in Scorpio we can expect a time of deep reflection, and as this is a Super Moon, our psychic intuition will be increased. Scorpio is like the detective of the zodiac and will root around in the shadows to expose our hidden truth. It feels like there have been many false starts since the beginning of 2021. How many times have you set the same intentions? This is the time where we get to see what is really preventing us from reaching our desired goals.
There is a stack of energy opposite the moon in the fixed sign of Taurus asking us to get real. Taurus is pragmatic and self-aware, and through still reflection we can sharpen our instincts and get to the bottom of whatever needs to shift in order to transform. This many planets in fixed signs says to me that it's not a time to actively change, but to sit with ourselves long enough so we can internally adapt and grow.
The Full Moon is creating a T-square aspect to Saturn in Aquarius, making Saturn the driving force behind our inner exploration. We will be studying our sense of guilt, duty, and responsibility, and the impact it has on emotional health. The higher mind is ruled by Aquarius, and by coming into a place of quiet contemplation we should discover the sticky spot we need to get out of. Where are we being overly judgemental about ourselves or holding too high an expectation? Are there external forces or conditions which suppress our ability to grow? Saturn is the great teacher, he is also Chronos, father of time, another signpost to slow down and to see the writing on the wall.
The energy of Uranus also has a strong influence over this Full Moon and is known in astrology as the "Awakener," since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. If we are not prepared to make relevant changes ourselves, surpriseupheavals can occur to get us onto a more liberated path. If we are ‘doing the work’, then expect a nice behaviour pattern breakthrough.
Meditation can be difficult for some people as they struggle with the monkey mind. The art of yoga can help you to meditate whilst fully focused on the physical body. Moving meditation is a good thing to bring into your Scorpio Full Moon ritual. Let your body speak to you so you can learn from the depth of your human cells.
Many Super Moon blessings to you all. May the obstacles on your path be shown and your intuitive soul know how to get past them.